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Policy - IAGSA





Our vision is to see all members of International Assemblies of God sanctified through and through, moving in the Holy Spirit to advance the great commission (Matt 28:19).


Our Mission is to equip all members of I.AG to be able to impact lives in and outside their community and church, by presenting Christ to the world. Our focus is on numerical and spiritual growth, also to develop skills needed to advance the great commission.


To promote a spirit of co-operation and shared responsibility among all I.A.G members, Directors, Pastors, and Men’s Ministries, Women’s ministries, Young Church Ministry and other ministries within the church.





1. Duties  


1.1. Functions of the Director shall be to:


a. Shall be a member of the General Office (GO).

b. Oversee and ensure that activities in the department are running smoothly.

c. Give pastoral guidance and assistance.

d. Ensure the achievement of objectives set out in the church vision document.

e Ensure adherence to the constitution of the church

f. Disseminate information from the General Office (GO) to the department

g. He/ She shall preside over the elections

h. Present progress reports on the activities of the department to the General

 Presbytery (GP)



1.2. Functions of the Ex- Officio shall be to:


a. They act as an extended hand of the director.

b. Act as directors in the absence of the director.

c. Give pastoral guidance and assistance.

d. Ensure adherence to the constitution of the church.

e. They shall preside over the elections.

f. They shall organise relevant seminars for peers in the department.

g. They shall serve as the overseers in the allocated arm of the committee i.e. (NSS, NRSS, NC, NT, NM, NE)



1.3. Functions of the President shall be to:


a. Preside and supervise all departmental activities.

b. Preside over all committee and other meetings.

c. The co-signatory of the departments finances books.

d. Lay the manner and timing of reports by the department and sub structures

e. Present a bi-annual progress report to the department and the General Council (GC).

f. Ensure that every District has the functional departments

g. He/She shall act as the Chief Operation Officer (COO) of the department



1.4. Functions of the Vice- President shall be to:


a. Preside at national meetings in the absence of the chairperson.

b. Perform any other duties allocated to him/her by the committee.

c. The Chairperson of the National Social Services Committee (NSSC).

d. Supervise all social activities in the department.



1.5. Functions of the Recording Secretary shall be to:


a. Have charge and be responsible for the safe keeping of the records of the committee.

b. Record minutes of all committee and general meetings.

c. The co- signatory of the departments finance books

d. Complements the correspondence secretary.

e. Compiling and presenting an annual report on the activities of the committee and the department.

f. The Chairperson of the Departmental National Research and Resource Committee (DNRRC).


1.6. Functions of the Correspondence Secretary shall be to:


a. Oversee the circulation of notices and agendas of committee meetings amongst members.

b. Circulate all communication to the relevant structures in the department.

c. Establish and maintain the communication channels in the department.

d. Complements the recording secretary.

e. Shall be the chairperson of the Departmental National Communications (DNC).




1.7. Functions of the Treasurer shall be to:


a. Keep proper records of the finances of the department.

b. Prepare and present a financial report in every committee meeting.

c. Prepare and present an annual financial report to the committee and the council.

d. Disburse all finances as authorized by the committee.

e. The co- signatory of the departments finance books

f. Shall be the chairperson of the Departmental National Treasury (DNT).



1.8. Functions of the Missions Officer shall be to


a. Promote mission work through out the department.

b. Prepare annual missions plans for the department.

c. Prepare and present annual missions report to the committee and Departmental National Missions Committee (DNMC)

d. Raise funds for missions work

e. Liase with the National Missions Committee in arranging home and foreign mission work.

f. Shall be the chairperson of the Departmental Missions Committee (DMC)



1.9 Functions of the Education Officer shall be to


a. Plan and coordinate workshops to empower members on:-


  • Financial Management
  • Church constitution and other policies
  • Leadership and development skills
  • Evangelism and missions trainings
  • HIV/ AIDS management skills
  • Social skills development
  • Christian Counselling
  • And all the educational needs that may arise from time to time in relation to the vision of the church.

b. Shall prepare and present an educational strategic plan for the department in consultation with the relevant stake holders i.e. Missions etc.

c. Shall be the chairperson of the Departmental National Education Committee (DNEC).






2. Duties


2.1. Functions of the Director shall be to:


a. Shall be a member of the District Office (DO)

b. Oversee and ensure that activities in the department are running smoothly.

c. Give pastoral guidance and assistance.

d. Ensure the achievement of objectives set out in the church vision document

e. Ensure adherence to the constitution of the church

f. Disseminate information from the District Office (DO) to the department

g. He/ She shall preside over the elections

h. Present progress reports on the activities of the department to the District Presbytery (DP).



2.2. Functions of the Ex- Officio shall be to:


a. Act as an extended hand of the director.

b. Act as director in the absence of the director.

c. Give pastoral guidance and assistance.

f. Ensure adherence to the constitution of the church.

g. Shall preside over the elections.

h. Shall serve as the overseers in the allocated arm of the committee i.e. (DSS, DRSS, DC, DT, DM, DE)


2.3. Functions of the President shall be to:


a. Preside and supervise all departmental activities.

b. Preside over all committee and other meetings.

c. The co-signatory of the departments finances books.

d. Lay the manner and timing of reports by the department and sub structures

e. Present a bi-annual progress report to the department.

f. Ensure that every Zone has the functional departments

g. He shall act as the Chief Operation Officer (COO) of the department



2.4. Functions of the Vice- President shall be to:


a. Preside at district meetings in the absence of the chairperson.

b. Perform any other duties allocated to him/her by the committee.

c. Shall be a member of the Departmental National Social Committee (DNSC) in the department.

d. Shall be a chairperson of the Departmental Social Committee (DSC) in the district.

e. Supervise all social activities in the district department.


2.5. Functions of the Recording Secretary shall be to:


a. Have charge and be responsible for the safe keeping of the records of the committee.

b. Record minutes of all committee and general meetings.

c. The co- signatory of the departments finance books

c. Complements the correspondence secretary.

d. Compiling and presenting an annual report on the act ivies of the committee.

e. Chairperson of the District Research and Resource Committee (DRRC).

f. Shall be a member of the National Research and Resource Committee (NRRC) in the department.


2.6. Functions of the Correspondence Secretary shall be to:


a. Oversee the circulation of notices and agendas of committee meetings amongst members.

b. Circulate all communication to the relevant structures in the district department.

c. Ensure the adherence of the communication channels in the district.

d. Complements the recording secretary.

e. Shall be a member of the National Communications Department (NCD).

f. Shall the chairperson of the District Communications Department (DC).


2.7. Functions of the Treasurer shall be to


a. Keep proper records of the finances of the department.

b. Prepare and present a financial report in every committee meeting.

c. Prepare and present an annual financial report to the committee and the council.

d. Disburse all finances as authorized by the committee.

e. The co- signatory of the departments finance books

f. Shall be the chairperson of the District Treasury.

g. Shall be a member of National Treasury





2.8. Functions of the Missions Officer shall be to


a. Promote mission work through out the district in the department.

b. Enhance annual mission plans as set out by the Departmental National Missions Committee (DNMC)

c. Prepare and present annual missions report to the committee and to the District d. Departmental National Missions Committee (DDNMC)

e. Raise funds for missions work

g. Liaise with the National Missions Committee in arranging home and foreign mission work.

h. Shall be the chairperson of the District Departmental Missions Committee (DDMC).

i. Shall be a member of the Departmental Missions Committee (DMC).



2.9. Functions of the Education Officer shall be to


a. Plan and coordinate workshops to empower members on:-


  • Financial Management
  • Church constitution and other policies
  • Leadership and development skills
  • Evangelism and missions trainings
  • HIV/ AIDS management skills
  • Social skills development
  • Christian Counselling
  • And all the educational needs that may arise from time to time in relation to the vision of the church.


b. Shall monitor all the educational activities of the zone(s)

c. Shall prepare and present an educational strategic plan for the district in relations to the Departmental National Education (DNE) plan.

d. Shall be the chairperson of the District Departmental Education Committee (DDEC).

e. Shall be member of the Departmental National Education Committee (DNEC).








3. Duties  


3.1. Functions of the Director shall be to:


a. Shall be a member of the District presbytery

b. Oversee and ensure that activities in the department are running smoothly.

c. Give pastoral guidance and assistance.

d. Ensure the achievement of objectives set out in the church vision document.

e. Ensure adherence to the constitution of the church

g. Disseminate information from the District Office (DO) to the department

h. He/ She shall preside over the elections

i. Present progress reports on the activities of the department to the district director.



3.2. Functions of the Ex- Officio shall be to:


a. Act as an extended hand of the director.

b. Act as director in the absence of the director.

c. Give pastoral guidance and assistance.

d. Ensure adherence to the constitution of the church.

e. He/ She shall preside over the elections.

f. They shall serve as the overseers in the allocated arm of the committee i.e. (ZSS, ZRSS, ZC, ZT, ZM, and ZE)




3.3. Functions of the President shall be to:


a. Preside and supervise all departmental activities.

b. Preside over all committee and other meetings.

c. The co-signatory of the departments finances books.

d. Lay the manner and timing of reports by the department and sub structures

e. Present an annual progress report to the department and the district.

f. Ensure that each assembly has a functional department.

g. He shall act as the Chief Operation Officer (COO) of the department


3.4 Functions of the Vice- President shall be to:


a. Preside at zonal meetings in the absence of the chairperson.

b. Perform any other duties allocated to him/her by the committee.

c. Shall be a member of the District Social Committee in the department.

d. Shall be a chairperson of the Social Committee in the zone.

e. Supervise all social activities in the zone department.


3.5. Functions of the Recording Secretary shall be to:


a. Have charge and be responsible for the safe keeping of the records of the committee.

b. Record minutes of all committee and general meetings.

c. The co- signatory of the departments finance books

d. Complements the correspondence secretary.

e. Compiling and presenting an annual report on the act ivies of the committee.

f. Chairperson of the Zonal Research and Resource Committee.

g. Shall be a member of the District Research and Resource Committee in the department.


3.6. Functions of the Correspondence Secretary shall be to:


a. Oversee the circulation of notices and agendas of committee meetings amongst members.

b. Circulate all communication to the relevant structures in the district department.

c. Ensure the adherence of the communication channels in the district.

d. Complements the recording secretary.

e. Shall the chairperson of the Zonal Communications Department.

f. Shall be a member of the District Communications Department.


3.7 Functions of the Treasurer shall be to


a. Keep proper records of the finances of the department.

b. Prepare and present a financial report in every committee meeting.

c. Prepare and present an annual financial report to the committee, zone and district.

d. Disburse all finances as authorized by the committee.

e. The co- signatory of the departments finance books

f. Shall be the chairperson of the Zonal Treasury.

g. Shall be a member of District Treasury



3.8. Functions of the Missions Officer shall be to


a. Promote mission work through out the zone in the department.

b. Enhance annual mission plans as set out by the Departmental National Missions Committee (DNMC)

c. Prepare and present annual missions report to the committee and to the Departmental District Missions Committee (DNMC)

d. Raise funds for missions work

e. Liaise with the District Missions Committee in arranging home and foreign mission work.

f. Shall be the chairperson of the Zonal Departmental Missions Committee (DDMC).

g. Shall be a member of the district Departmental Missions Committee (DMC).


3.9. Functions of the Education Officer shall be to


a. Plan and coordinate workshops to empower members on :-


  • Financial Management
  • Church constitution and other policies
  • Leadership and development skills
  • Evangelism and missions trainings
  • HIV/ AIDS management skills
  • Social skills development
  • Christian Counselling
  • And all the educational needs that may arise from time to time in relation to the vision of the church.


b. Shall ensure that the district educational plan is put to action in the zone.

c. Shall be the chairperson of the Zonal Departmental Education Committee (ZDEC).

d. Shall be member of the Departmental National Education Committee (DNEC).





4. Duties


4.1. Functions of the Director/ shall be to:


a. Shall be a pastor or pastors wife or member of the Board of deacons

b. Oversee and ensure that activities in the department are running smoothly.

c. Give spiritual guidance and assistance.

d. Ensure the achievement of objectives set out in the church vision document.

e. Ensure adherence to the constitution of the church

f. Disseminate information from the external and internal structures.

g. He/ She shall preside over the elections

h. Present progress reports on the activities of the department to the board of deacons.


4.2. Functions of the President shall be to:


a. Preside and supervise all departmental activities.

b. Preside over all committee and other meetings.

c. Present an annual progress report to the department, Pastor and the board of deacons, and the zone.


4.3. Functions of the Vice- President shall be to:


a. Preside at local meetings in the absence of the chairperson.

b. Perform any other duties allocated to him/her by the committee.

c. Shall be a member of the zonal Social Committee in the department.

d. Supervise all social activities within the assembly







4.4. Functions of the Recording Secretary shall be to:


a. Have charge and be responsible for the safe keeping of the records of the committee.

b. Record minutes of all committee and general meetings.

c. Complements the correspondence secretary.

d. Compiling and presenting an annual report on the act ivies of the committee.

e. Shall be a member of the zonal Research and Resource Committee in the department.


4.5. Functions of the Correspondence Secretary shall be to:


a. Oversee the circulation of notices and agendas of committee meetings amongst members.

b. Circulate all communication to the relevant structures in the district department.

c. Ensure the adherence of the communication channels in the district.

d. Complements the recording secretary.

e. Shall be a member of the zonal Communications Department.


4.6. Functions of the Treasurer shall be to


a. Keep proper records of the finances of the department.

b. Prepare and present a financial report in every committee meeting.

c. Prepare and present an annual financial report to the committee, zone and district.

d. Shall be a member of zonal Treasury


4.7. Functions of the Missions Officer shall be to


a. Promote mission work in the local assembly.

b. Enhance annual mission plans as set out by the local and Departmental National Missions Committee (DNMC)

c. Prepare and present annual missions report to the committee and to the Departmental zonal Missions Committee (DNMC)

d. Shall be a member of the zonal Departmental Missions Committee (DMC).



4.8. Functions of the Education Officer shall be to


a. Plan and coordinate workshops to empower members on :-


  • Financial Management
  • Church constitution and other policies
  • Leadership and development skills
  • Evangelism and missions trainings
  • HIV/ AIDS management skills
  • Social skills development
  • Christian Counselling
  • And all the educational needs that may arise from time to time in relation to the vision of the church.


b. Shall ensure that the district educational plan is put to action in the assembly in consultation to the pastorate.

c. Shall be member of the Zonal Education Committee (ZEC).


5. Financial policy


5.1. The departments are non-profit making organization.

5.2. The department shall generate own funds within and outside the department as seen appropriate.

5.3. The department shall open its account with the registered financial instituted.

5.4. The President, Recording Secretary and the Treasurer shall be the signatories of the account.

5.5. The members of the committee shall be reimbursed for the cost incurred in the departmental work.

5.6. The standard of reimbursement shall be determined from time to time by the Treasury committee

5.6.1The requisition form shall be signed by committee member for any amount in access of R1000

5.7. All funds levies from members shall be remitted to the treasurer for deposit within 48 hrs of receipt.




6. Conditions of appointment


 6.1. Committee


1. All nominees must have been a member in good standing in I.A.G for a minimum of four (4) years.

2. A member of the Department holds office for a period of his/her term of office.

3. A member or replacement member of the department must vacate his or her office if-


  • A pastor at any time terminates such term of office for good reason;
  • He or she can no longer perform his or her duties on the Executive Committee, due to health conditions or any other reason.
  • He or she is excommunicated from the local church.
  • He or she is absent for more than two consecutive meetings of the Department without apology to the chairperson; or secretary
  • He or she resigns by way of written notice to the president.


4. The condition of appointment shall be applicable at all levels

5. In case of 1.3 a co-option shall be done from the last nomination list, of the department recent elections by the relevant authority.

6. Office bearers are not allowed to take more than one executive portfolio at a time.


6.2. Ex-officio  


1. Women’s ministry

  • Shall be a female credentialed pastor in I.A.G
  • Shall be a pastor’s wife or pastor’s widow in a recognised I.A.G church or
  • She Shall be a board member in case of a local assembly, at a discretion of a pastor


2. Men’s Fellowship

  • Shall be a credentialed pastor of I.A.G
  • Shall be an active pastor in a local assembly if he is not shepherding a church or ;
  • He shall be a board member in case of a local assembly, at discretion of a pastor.


3. Christ Ambassadors  

  • Shall be a credentialed pastors of I.A.G
  • Shall be a pastors wife in a recognised I.A.G church or;
  • He Shall be a board member in case of a local assembly, at a discretion of a pastor


7. Elections


1. The nominees will consist of the names of the existing committee members plus three names from the structure below (E.g. District for National, Zone for District and Local for zone).

2. A nominee can also be a person who has experience in serving in the structure in question or the structure below.

3. All nominees shall have a letter of good standing from the local pastor.

4. Voting shall begin by nominations of candidates and verifying the credentials

5. Voting shall be by a secrete ballot and no voting by proxy shall be allowed.

6. During elections a vote shall be realized through a two third majority

7. Elections shall be conducted by the Directors and the ex- officious.

8. If after the third ballot there is no election, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes, shall be voted upon and the election shall be declared to the candidate with the highest number of votes.


The election of the Ex-officious will be conducted at a pastoral level (by the peers). However the above system of elections will be adhered to.



8. Terms of Office


1. The staggering system will be used in the term of office.

  • President, Treasure and Recording Secretary, Education Officer, will serve a concurrent term of office.
  • V.President, Correspondence Secretary, Missions Officer will serve a concurrent term of office.


2. The national election will precede all other elections followed by the district election and then zonal elections.


3. The district elections are to take place in February following the national elections.


4. The zonal elections are to take place in March following the district elections.


5. National Department 4 years


6. District Department 2 years


7. Zonal Department 2 years


9. Quorum


1. The quorum in every meeting shall be constituted by 50%, plus one of the total numbers of Executive members

2. If within an hour of the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting is not constituted, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the day that shall be decided upon by members who will be present. A written notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given to members


10. Meetings


1. Executive meetings

  • Executive Committee shall have at least three (3) meetings in a year.
  • Emergency meetings may be scheduled when a need arise.


2. Interdepartmental Meetings


  • Interdepartmental executive meetings in all structures will take place twice a year.
  • The interdepartmental, Social, Missions, Education, Communication, Research and resource and the Treasury committees will meet at least twice a year.


3. Policy Forum


A policy forum will consist of two (2) delegates from each national department



11. Code of Discipline


All members including Committee members shall be subjected to the Church’s code of discipline, which shall be outlined in the church constitution.


12. Amendments


The provisions of this policy may be repealed, amended or added to or new a provision inserted by a resolution passed by two thirds majority at a meeting of the national departmental policy forum .




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